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Message de Ian Barron, relatif à un séminaire animé par Serhii Lukashov, Directeur de SOS Village d’Enfants en Ukraine, le 8 avril 2022 de 16h à 17h (en Anglais, non traduit)
Dear students, faculty, and staff,
After a long pandemic-related break, the Center of International Education (CIE) is happy to announce that we are going back to the in-person or hybrid sessions here at Montague house!
With this, we are happy to invite you to a Trauma-Informed Global Resilience Seminar with Serhii Lukashov, Director of the international humanitarian organization of SOS Children's Villages in Ukraine.
Director Lukashov is conducting nationwide humanitarian efforts in Ukraine and will speak to us directly from Kyiv, sharing their experience on the ground!
The session will be held on Friday, April 8, 10 -11AM, in the conference room of Montague House (the building next to the College of Education). Those unable to join in person are invited to participate via zoom: https://umass-amherst.zoom.us/j/3591036138
After the session, we will be able to socialize, discuss, and have coffee and snacks together.
We apologize for the short notice. This was caused by the horrendous conditions in which Director Lukashov and his team are currently operating.
Professor Ian Barron
Director, Center for International Education
Montague House
Student Development,
College of Education, UMass Amherst
813 N. Pleasant St., Furcolo W246
Amherst, MA 01003
Pronouns he/him/his
Please follow us on social media (Facebook, Twitter, Website)
CIE Website https://www.umass.edu/cie/
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/umasscie/
International Center for Child Trauma Prevention & Recovery https://icctpr.com/
Trauma Response Network https://www.traumaresponsenetwork.org/
Loving Arms https://lovingarmsmw.org/